Product Animator

Helping clients provide engaging customer experiences.

Bring your
Product’s to Life.

We have over 15 years of experience in 3D Animation and storytelling. Our team can design and create product animations for a vast array of sectors. Simply follow our instant product animator budgeter below to start.


If you do not have a storyboard we can create this for you.

Voice Over

With a free voice-over limited available or other paid options.

3D Animation
Providing a variety of levels forms standard to complex

Choose from no sound, background music or soundscape.

Product Animation Price Guide!

The interactive tool below will help you work out the guide price for your product animation.

Alternatively feel to contact us directly via phone or email


3. Choose Animation Resolution

Typically clients will use HD, this works well for small product videos on the web. If it is a featured product or a longer demonstration Full-HD would work great, this is also used for exhibition screens.

4K Animation can be created but we find that HD works in the majority of situations. 4K is more of for future-proofing for newer devices. Instagram is a smaller resolution than Standard but optimised for use on Instagram. For other social media such as Facebook, youtube and more using HD or Full-HD is appropriate.

We are able to provide custom resolutions for digital displays and output in multiple formats, if required please detail in the contact box at the bottom of the form.

4. Do you require Visual Effects ?

Visual effects range from effects such as smoke, infection, destruction, fire, fluids, ice, oceans, particles, magic, airflow, abstract and more. Move the slider to the desired visual effects level based on your projects requirements there are indication labels for examples.

Usually, high-end Advertising VFX are used on standard 30 seconds tv advert. Not all projects will require Visual effects.
None Product Demonstration Advanced High-end Advertising

5. How Complex Is the Product?

Move the slider to describe complexity of the product. For example, basic would be a sink tap and complex would be a car.
Basic Detailed Advanced Complex Complex with Internals

6. Please provide animation length using the sliders below

Use the time slider below to set the animation duration.

7. Fill in the form below for a formal estimate.

Price Guide £748

View Example Animations Below

Let’s Work Together

Feel free to call our friendly team. If you require additional information or examples simply ask for details.


Pim Studios Ltd

Office: 01724 710679